Used Medical Equipment

INNOMED 1745-R Hendren Self-Retaining Retractor 5.5

INNOMED 1745-R Hendren Self-Retaining Retractor 5.5
INNOMED 1745-R Hendren Self-Retaining Retractor 5.5
INNOMED 1745-R Hendren Self-Retaining Retractor 5.5

INNOMED 1745-R Hendren Self-Retaining Retractor 5.5

INNOMED 1745-R Hendren Self-Retaining Retractor. Enlarge the images and see them with zooming. Completeness: with everything seen in the pictures.

Accessories: Comes with everything you see in pictures nothing more nothing less. Medical science is an ever changing field and Information provided, may be, outdated, partial or incomplete and may be inaccurate or useless or contain mistakes.

All medical supplies, instruments, and or equipment we list are to the best of our knowledge, in compliance with policies and guidelines. Regardless of the origin of the products, documentation provided or identification appearing upon the items, the items described and offered here are in no way certified for, recommended for, or offered for any specific use. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies.

It would be highly recommended and wise to have a bio-med completely check the product for its performance and safety parameters before actual use for patient care and/or diagnosis. 4 Jared, LLC DBA Medical Equipment Superstore.

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INNOMED 1745-R Hendren Self-Retaining Retractor 5.5